I know, I know...we have been slacking on the blog updates in a major way, but we've been busy!!! We do have lives outside of No Rival!!! It's pathetic, actually. My first "vacation" or "trip" this Summer was to the MAGIC Tradeshow in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago to introduce our brand and network with others in the industry. I still had fun, though. I met some really cool people and saw some fantastic designs at the show. The only bad part about the whole trip was that I spent way too much money at Ted Baker and Barney's. I actually bought a couple of brand new shirts at Ted Baker from their Fall Season. It was over 100 degrees out in Vegas and I was still compelled to buy Fall clothing. Their Fall Season is just that fresh. Enough about my addiction to retail, let's talk about MAGIC.The MAGIC Tradeshow was definitley a good time. We spent a majority of our days in the South Hall, where the Streetwear and Sourcing sections were. The upstairs was aiiiight, but downstairs was way more interesting. This was the S.L.A.T.E. section of the show. S.L.A.T.E. is described as an assortment of eclectic and sophisticated brands that originated in the skate, surf, and street communities and are steadily making their way into the mainstream with all the fashion and attitude of the hipsters, artists, and musicians who've inspired them. S.L.A.T.E brands go beyond a trend and are thoroughly immersed in a culture. These brands transcend price point and demographic and are now the ones to watch from retail's global level. Here are some pics from S.L.A.T.E....
Chris from No Rival and Chris from Jabbawockeez...I mean Super Crew...I mean...dude, which crew do you rep!? I opted for the tried and true peace sign. There always seems to be a need for peace amongst the battling crews. I'm a lover, not a fighter. One thing I am certainly not is a dancer. I'll leave that to the crews. The Jabbawockeez had a great shirt that was being shown at their booth that read "SIN CITY WOK IT OUT!" The guys were extremely nice and it seemed like they really enjoyed freestyling at the show. Much respect to the Jabbawockeez crew.
VIDEO!!! Check out the Jabbawockeez getting down!!!
I MUST have this pillow from Foreign Family!!! I know you remember their shirt with the same design!!! I'm not so sure my female visitors would appreciate this in my bed or on my couch, but this graphic just really relaxes me for some reason. I don't know. Perhaps it's the subtle tongue action.
Graffiti art outside the hall. Fresh!!!
Yo! It's Josar from Boogie Bots!!! I don't care what anyone says. The Boogie Bots routine on ABDC when they transformed themselves into a robot was crazy!!! I was watching that one on YouTube over and over again...nice dude too.
Other notable sights at the show were the Street Fighter 4 gaming monitors at the Triumvir booth, Undrcrwn's new season(with new shoe models), the smooth fitteds from In4mation...ummm...oh yeah...and I saw Kimora Lee Simmons walking around. That chick is a monster. I mean she is very tall. There is way too much to tell in one blog, but don't worry, I did have fun without you.
Before we left the show. We checked out the sourcing section in an effort to discover some new suppliers for our apparel and accessories. We FINALLY found a decent Pimp Cup supplier. Watch out for the exclusive NO RIVAL PIMP CUPS this Winter. We are throwing in free NR Pimp Cups to all orders over $100. Whhhhat!? Yeaaaaaaayah!!! Yeah...I'm just playin'...but you're smart, so you already knew that.DON'T FORGET TO CRUISE BY THE NO RIVAL PARTY @ VERSE IN OAKLAND THIS WEEKEND!!!FLEX FLAV CREW!!! DJ GREG J!!! DO IT!!! DO IT!!! DO IT!!!- NO RIVAL